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Brent McMaster

Brent McMaster

Brent McMaster

Brent McMaster grew up at 1420 Kensington Avenue where he lived from 1942 until 1962 when he married Diane and moved away. They are the parents of five children.

Audio Interview

Here is an interview with Brent recollecting his years in the neighborhood.  The soundtrack is followed by a summary and index of the interview.  The sections below contain documents and photos from Brent.

The interviews and related files are shared with the written consent of the interviewee under the terms of a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.  (Note: Index times are approximate. Variations in browsers and operating systems may cause some timing discrepancies. Please use the audio player controls to fine tune the section you’re interested in.)

Interview 1 (05/22/2015, duration 50:32)


Here is a collection of images provided by Brent unless cited otherwise.  Click on a thumbnail to expand an image.  Once the image is expanded you can scroll through the collection by clicking on either side of the image.

Neighborhood Boys, ca. 1945-46|Includes: Back Row, Roger Boyer, Steve Brockbank, Tom McMaster, Front Row Brent McMaster, Roger Kastellar, John McMaster. (Courtesy of Brent McMaster)
Brent McMaster and bicycle, ca. 1950.|(Courtesy of Brent McMaster)
Matchstick Gun (
Duncan Yo-Yo | Butterfly model introduced in 1950s (
Duncan Yo-Yo demonstration | (
uilding orange crate scooter, 1947
Orange crate scooter, 1957

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