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John Christensen

John Christensen

John Christensen

John Christensen moved into our neighborhood as an infant in 1936.  He lived here until 1963.  After being away for employment, John returned to the family home with his wife Linda in 1995.  During his absence the home was continuously occupied by family members.  John and Linda have five children. 

Audio Interview

Here are three interviews with John recollecting his early years in the neighborhood.  The soundtracks are followed by a transcription of the first interview and summaries and indexes of each interview and photos.

The interview and related files are shared with the written consent of the interviewee under the terms of a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.  (Note: Index times are approximate. Variations in browsers and operating systems may cause some timing discrepancies. Please use the audio player controls to fine tune the section you’re interested in.)

Interview 1 (09/26/2014, duration 46:56)

Interview 2 (01/04/2015, duration 14:50)

Interview 3 (01/04/2015, duration 6:20)


Christensen family September (1937)
Family home south side (1938)
Gilbert Christesen on rope swing
John and Gilbert sledding in the Gully (1939)
Road workers lower 1600 East
Road workers lower 1600 East
Fred and Betty Christensen (1940)
John (first step right) and friends in front of Jerry Hayes house (1941)
John and Gilbert cross unpaved 1600 East (1941)
Bill Holt on bike
John Christensen, Eric Holt, Dan Holt (1947)

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